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How to Protect Your Business with Cyber Security in 3 Steps

Protect Your Business with Cyber Security

There are many ways to protect your business from cyber security threats, but there are three primary steps that you can take right now to start protecting your business.

1. Protect with Anti-Virus, Firewalls and Multi-Factor Authentication

Let’s start by discussing how to protect your devices. First, you need to make sure that you have antivirus software on your computer and that it’s updated with the latest virus definitions. You also need to ensure that your computers are equipped with firewalls, which will help keep outside threats from getting in.

Scan and Test

The second step is to test your network by running a vulnerability scan and penetration test. A penetration test will check for any vulnerabilities in the system and identify where a hacker might break into the system.

A vulnerability scan checks for weak points in the infrastructure of a company’s network or website and can be done using automated tools. Technical staff can also perform this task through manual checking.

Multi-Factor Authentication

When setting up an account, you’ll want to consider multi-factor authentication. Multi-factor authentication is a security measure that requires more than one form of identification to sign in. Let’s say you were logging in to your email account.

With two-factor authentication, the second form of identification could be a code sent to your phone, which only you should be able to access. This adds an additional layer of protection because even if someone has your password, they still won’t be able to access the account without the additional code.

2. Test Your Systems

The act of testing is simple: You just need to identify any vulnerabilities in your system and fix them before anything bad happens. It doesn’t matter how secure you think your system is; there’s always room for improvement, and testing will show where those improvements need to happen.

esting also helps give your staff peace of mind—when they know that all possibilities are being covered, they’re less likely to be anxious about an attack happening.

3. Train Your Staff

Lastly, you should train your employees on how to avoid phishing scams and other threats. Employees need to know what information they should never disclose online such as passwords, social security numbers, bank account information, and so on. Your employees also need training on how to spot fake emails and websites, so they don’t fall victim to hackers trying to steal personal information or money.

Contact Proximitum

We can assist you in implementing any of the above steps and more to ensure your systems are able to withstand an attack. Contact Proximitum today to discuss a solution for your business.