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How to Keep Your E-mail Safe from Hackers

Keep Your E-mail Safe from Hackers

Keeping your e-mails safe from hackers is an important issue. With the rise of new hacking technologies, it’s more important than ever to be proactive in protecting yourself. Hackers are people who use software programs and computers to steal information, like passwords and credit card numbers.

They can get their hands on your personal information if they find a way to access your computer or do something illegal, like tapping into your wireless connection. To protect yourself, follow these essential tips for preventing hackers from accessing your e-mails.

Choose a Strong Password

When you use your e-mail account, you need to make sure you are doing what is necessary to keep it safe. It starts with making sure the password is strong and unique. The best way to do this is to use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.

You should also make it difficult for other people to guess your password by not using words that are in the dictionary or words that could be found out by looking at your surroundings.

When it comes to security, there are two important things that can throw off break-in attempts: changing your password regularly and never clicking links in e-mails that come from unknown sources. These links could contain malware that will infect your computer or lead to a website that will steal your information.

Take Steps to Secure Your Messages

If you have a public computer, don’t use your e-mail. Hackers can easily get access to your messages if it’s on a public computer. Moreover, set up an e-mail filter to block e-mails from suspicious domains.

Hackers often try to send e-mails from fake domains that look like legitimate websites or companies in order to trick victims into giving up their login information. To reduce the risk of getting hacked, always type in the web addresses manually rather than clicking on links in an e-mail message.

Always check the URL and make sure it’s secure before entering any personal information or banking information—no matter how safe a site looks, a hacker could be using a decoy website to steal your data as you type it in.

Practise Prevention

Install firewalls and virus protection software on your computer so hackers can’t get through your security system. And finally, never share passwords with anyone, including family members, friends, or co-workers. If you want further protection, contact Proximitum and get the best defence for your e-mail and more.